Dungeons + Updates!

Hi everyone! 

I have been working on a small goblin hideout that you can explore and find some cool loot. This will just be a small dungeon but I'm planning on including this one in the demo.

Right now I'm working on adding new monsters, finish the forest area that includes the goblin hideout and the way to the ruins dungeon.

What do I still need to do for the demo? Here is a little list:

- Include NPC's and dialogue

- make some spells(basic functionality is done)

- make more armor and weapons

- add more monsters(doing that right now)

And I think that's it to make a demo and show off some fun gameplay! I think it's getting exciting!

I do need to add music ha ha. Also I want to have a Steam page ready along with the demo. You can help me out by supporting my Kofi! Don't forget to follow my Kickstarter. 

Thank you so much!



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