Demo available now for Kofi members!

Hi everyone!

I'm happy to announce that a first playable demo is now available for all Kofi members under the $5 tier and up!

For the public it will be available in 2 weeks on March 11th. Until then I will make some more fixes and improvements so that when you get to play it there will hopefully no or only very little bugs visible ha ha. The public demo will come here to the games itch page:)

I'm also working on random generated dungeons so that's another thing Kofi members will get to see first and try out first!

I hope you all know my Kofi page by now:


I'm also still saving to set up a Steam page because this is something I do want to do. You can help me with that by supporting me on Kofi as well. 

And also don't forget to follow the Kickstarter! I will make another post when the public demo is available:)


Thank you!

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