Saving And Gathering

Hi everyone!

Sorry it took a while for my next devlog. The holidays kept me busy:) I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season!

So what's new? 

Now we finally have a functioning save system! You can save, load or a delete a save slot. I created 3 for now which I think is a good number considering you can delete saves as well. The UI is not final yet, eventually I will change around some of the buttons and menus:)

You can also gather from berry bushes now! I'm very excited for this because I can do so many things with this. You can gather from pretty much any bush or tree. I have to make some better visuals of when a bush or tree is finished gathering then it should just be a plain bush. I guess now I have to think about berries and recipes. Because crafting will also come soon! I think crafting will be for making potions, or maybe craft special gear. Thinking about this technically you could gather stones and stuff as well. Let me think about this:)

Exciting sneak peek what's to come in the new year:

So I don't want to give away too many details yet but just know I am working on a Kickstarter page! The game wont be ready for some time but I want to have it ready to follow:) 

Also for the first time ever I will offer physical goods! Meaning there will be posters, key chains, stickers etc. I have a company that I ordered from before and their quality is excellent. I have to figure out details on what I will offer and shipping and stuff. Just know its in the works and I will give more details in my next post!

Don't forget to check out the little video clip I attached and I wish you all a happy new year! I have so many plans for 2024 so lets make this project something special:)

Don't forget I'm still saving for music and I will start posting more often for members on my Kofi. Any support means the world to me:)

Thank you!


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looks cute keep it up

Thank you:)