
Hi everyone!

Wanted to show you this weeks progress and what's next! Didn't get as much done as I wanted to but progress is progress:)

Something very exciting: Outfits!

Now any armor or weapon you find you can dress up your player. Armor and weapons will show visible on the player and some have more advantages than others so be careful what you pick:) Armor and weapons can be found from dead enemies or chests.

Now for the clothes and weapons I have to animate those myself for all the player animations in all 4 directions. Meaning clothes and weapons need idle, walk, attack etc. so it matches when the player is walking around. It's a bit tedious work but will be so cool!

 It will be a lot of work so let me think about how many I want to add for the demo. There will be boots, hats, shirts and weapons. Rings won't show visibly but still give the player some kind of value. 

Don't forget to check out the attached video and screenshots:)

I'm also working on the cave entrance for the goblin hideout. It's not 100% done yet but I would say looking pretty good so far! This will be a mini dungeon and included in the demo. It's not a must to play in the full game but definitely fun to check out and find some treasure!

I'm also saving up for setting up a Steam page and some music tunes. Please consider supporting my project to make this possible!

Thank you so much:)



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