Inventory + full controller support

Hi everyone!

What's new?

Reworking the inventory at the moment to make it work with full controller support! I attached a video:) It's not 100% done yet but just know you can play this game fully with a controller when done:) Also yes there will be a selection outline when navigating the inventory. I'm still thinking to combine those 2 windows.

What will the demo include and when is it coming?

I think I've talked about it before but the demo will have 1 dungeon to explore. It will probably be a full mini dungeon and then part of the big dungeon. Worlds and dungeons in the game:

-Forest/Ruins : Part of this will be included in demo version. I did finish the new entrance to the ruins dungeon. Will show that next time!!



-Last one I'm still deciding but I'm tending towards desert

I want to have it ready before end of summer. The demo:) I will have a little bit time off in July so hoping to get most of it done then! Otherwise I work on it as my schedule allows.

New Items for the player coming soon:

- weapons can be used for fighting monsters but also to cut trees/grass/get rocks out of the way. You won't have all weapons available at start so as you progress you can explore more areas by getting rocks for example out of the way.

- the boomerang is coming!! One of my favorites and a must! He he.

- I want to add potions/act as spells. throw it at enemies and poison them, stun them etc.

Next I want to finish the basic stuff first like the town layout, forest layout, create some indoor for houses etc. Add more monsters and stuff. 

There will be a shop to buy/sell items/tools/weapons.

Dungeons will have puzzles! I mean come on who doesn't love puzzles!

I will continue weekly updates. Please don't forget to follow the Kickstarter and my Kofi page:)

Thank you!



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