Cozy town and World map!

Hi everyone!

If you are new to my devlogs I'm making an action rpg that is inspired by Secret of Mana, Blossom Tales and Zelda!

Here is my weekly update on my progress:

I started making a cozy town where the player will start! Its not completely done so please be patient:) I have to add some NPC's, some small water areas and decoration objects.

Also started working on a world map! The player will be able to walk over the map so I have to design it in a way that the player doesn't get lost and you know where to go, ha ha.

With that of course I had to get started on scene transitions. I have to add a save system so the player get's spawned into the right position. I guess that's one of my to do things next! Not too fun to do but oh well gotta do it. 

 So my to do list for this week is as follows:

-Start working more on the world map

-Add NPC's and dialogue

-Save system

Not sure how much of this I can get done but most of it hopefully:)

Please remember to follow my games Kickstarter and also support my project on my Kofi. 

Thank you so much!



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