New Monsters

Hi everyone!

I know I just posted an update but because I posted late I wanted to make another one on my regular weekend schedule:)

Meet some new enemies! Make sure to check out the video:)

The Bat:

The bat is one of the flying enemies. They just go straight to the player when you are in range of it. I might create some flying enemies that have a flying path and just stay on that.

The goblin:

The goblin is the type that will actually come and attack you if you are close. 

The Necromancer:

The necromancer is an evil one:) He will throw spells at you from distance. Better to evade him and kill him as quick as possible!

Of course I will make more enemies but these are basics so now I have their functionality set up and I can make more.  Some enemies could be throwing other stuff like bones, spears etc. 

Dungeons will have spikes, those rotating traps, breakable floor tiles and so on. I want to try to add lots of puzzles to make the game more fun:)

This weeks plan is to work more on the dungeon and the town because that's what needs to be ready for the demo. Then I will go back to coding to finish the save system .

I promise music and sound sfx are coming with the next update!

I will continue with my weekly updates. Please don't forget to follow the Kickstarter and support my project on Kofi!

Thank you!



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